Black, Mauve and Light Teal Green livery with tinted windows. Altered in March 2008 following reports into level crossing accidents. Set 41 had reflective yellow wings added to the cabs along with more reflective silver beneath the cab window. Further modified when the yellow front was added above the cab window to increase visibility and these changes were progressively applied to all cab units.
Set 42 in June 2010, modifications were made to the external & internal appearance of the sets. A revised colour scheme of purple, red & yellow was applied on the last ten 3 car sets and 2 car set VL00, more closely aligning the VLocities to the V/Line colour scheme used on the rest of the V/Line fleet and incorporating the V/Line logo on the front & the sides.
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A$0.00 -
L-Class operates industrial and general freight traffics in WA, with three operating in NSW for grain traffic. They are prefixed L, LQ (QTRAC traction control) or LZ (ZTR traction control).
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A$495.00 -
#236 Speedi Driver Cleaner - Hon3 to O scale
HOn3 - O
A$30.00 -
Premium Foam Train Service Tray, with Magnetic Storage Recess.