TurnOn Module - Soft Start Circuit For Large Inrush Currents of Sound Decoders and Stay Alive Decoders
If you have a lot of sound decoders and decoders with stay alive circuits on the track, they can confuse the booster when it starts up in to thinking there is a short because of the sudden current draw of all the capacitors. This circuit prevents that problem by putting a small resistance in to the circuit to slow the current rush and once the voltage gets up a 10 Amp relay bypasses the resistor so that there is a straight connection to the booster. Connect the TurnOn directly after the booster and before any other components. The resistor is 0.5 Ohms 20Watt.
Relay is 10 Amps and turns on at about 10Volts on the track. Diodes prevent the startup pulse of the relay from getting on to the DCC bus.
Will also work with other brands of boosters and command stations.
TurnOn Module
A$55.00Out of stock -
Tam Valley Depot
A simple Booster that can be used with any brand of DCC system. It can deliver 3A continous and 5A peak power that is inexpensive enough to set up multiple power blocks.When used as an accessory booster the booster will continue to deliver power to the accessories when the track is shorted.
When used as a track booster the layout can be divided into separate zones.
Max input: 40V
DCC input: Opto isolated 5 - 30V
Max Load Peak: 5A
Board size: 76 mm x 64 mm
Short Circuit: Off time 1 millisecond reset 200 milliseconds
Protection: Thermal shut off caution HOT