Helps to locate faults at track joints & points, etc. Place across the track and the multi-coloured Led will display Orange for DCC or Red & Green for DC power.
Provides a high current pulse to “snap” points across positively from the capacitors Limits subsequent points current to prevent coil burn out Prevents voltage drop to other parts of the installation during points action. Operates on AC or DC supplies. Uses a high quality industrial double-sided PCB
Supplies power to decoders during times of power interruption due to dirty track or problematic track work.
Powers HO Locomotives for approximately 6 to 20 seconds (depending on the locomotive and the efficiency of the motor). Includes a blue and a black wire with which to attach it to a decoder. The blue wire is the positive/DC+, the black wire is the GND. You can use it with sound decoders and mobile decoders.
2-Pin Micro Connector, Black & Blue wires - 150mm long.
Ideal for hardwire situations where you may have to remove or disconnect certain components from time to time. Also ideal for “Break Away” applications where connections need to be broken easily for safety or convenience.
NEM651 6PIN to 6Wire Converter Board with 6 solder pads It’s used to convert a NEM651 wire decoders 860012 to a NEM651 6Pin decoders similar to 860013.
Enables you to fit a dcc decoder to non dcc locomotive, allows non dcc trains to be converted to dcc without having to wire dcc decoder straight into the train, the socket is fitted with a adhesive pad to attach to the train in case a fault on the dcc decoder arises its easy to remove dcc decoder and replace within minutes
These 8-pin 652 sockets harnesses, enables you to fit dcc decoder to non dcc locomotive, the socket is fitted with a adhesive pad to attach to the train in case a fault on the dcc decoder arises its easy to remove the decoder and replace within minutes
Used to fit an 8pin decoder into a locomotive that has a 21MTC connector installed. Unlike other adapters, LaisDcc 21 pin adapters are already pre-wired with fx3/Aux1/ Green wire connections and also are easy-to-solder to the connection point for fx4 Aux 2/purple wire should it be needed.